Cryptocurrencies shouldn’t be afraid of the State. As well as the State shouldn’t…
This article was previously called “Does Litecoin’s MimbleWimble progress matters? — (2/…)”
The State grows. To the contrary of what many anarchists believes, State does not grows outside and against people or society. The State grows inward society, and it’s also true to say that society itself is growing inward State.
The crypto-hackers must surpass a dualistic, manicheist vision, of the State. Therefore they should not to be afraid that some mystic or outside entity (like the ‘State’) was made to smash their propositions.
Power is a correlation of strengths.
Crypto-hackers most embrace the desirable characteristics of the system they want to create and know the characteristics they want to throw away. The ecosystem created by cryptocurrencies were always indistinguishable from the State itself.
“Which State?” — this is the real question for now on.